Many individuals experience the phenomenon of sudden awakening during deep sleep, often accompanied by vivid dreams of falling from great heights. This involuntary muscle contraction can lead to anxiety, panic and fear of falling asleep, thus causing insomnia for a long time. While these sudden jerks during sleep are generally not harmful, they can lead to injuries due to unintended movements during the seizure.
Causes of sudden tremors during sleep:

Researchers have found that sleep tremors may affect up to 70% of people and are not generally considered serious. However, the exact origin of these tremors remains unclear. Some of the causes identified include nervous system disturbances related to slow breathing and irregular heartbeats, as well as incorrect signals being sent to the brain after sleep, creating the sensation of actually falling.
Factors that increase the frequency of tremor:
Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to frequent sleep tremors. These include excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, engaging in strenuous activities before bed, experiencing high levels of depression and severe psychological distress, and maintaining irregular sleep patterns.