7 Warning Symptoms of Cervical Cancer Every Woman Should Know

Early detection of uterine cancer is crucial for effective treatment. Common symptoms include:

Unexplained pain in the abdomen or pelvis
Abnormal bleeding during menstruation, intercourse, menopause, or pelvic exams
Painful urination
frequent urination

  • Vaginal discharge that is abnormal in terms of colour, texture or smell
    Intestinal problems such as bloating
    Back pain and fatigue
    Unexplained weight loss
    Prevention and early detection:

To reduce the risk of uterine cancer, individuals are advised to:

Practice safe sex to prevent transmission of HPV
Undergo Pap smear tests on a regular basis for early detection
Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise
Seek medical attention for persistent symptoms
Educate themselves about preventive measures

Understanding uterine cancer, its risks, and symptoms is crucial to a woman’s health. By adopting preventive measures, practicing safe sex, and prioritizing early detection through regular checkups, individuals can contribute to reducing the impact of uterine cancer. Empowering women with knowledge about uterine health is essential to creating a healthier future.


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