
High blood sugar, health challenges and ways of prevention

Overweight and obesity:

Many cases of high blood sugar are attributed to obesity. Being overweight affects the body’s ability to use insulin effectively.

Effects of high blood sugar:
Cardiovascular problems:
High levels of sugar increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, as it affects the walls of the arteries and increases the possibility of the formation of fat adhesion.

Kidney problems:
High sugar levels increase pressure on the kidneys, which increases the chances of developing problems in their normal functions.

Nerve and limb problems:
High sugar levels can cause nerve damage, leading to limb problems such as tingling and numbness.

Vision problems:
High blood sugar affects the blood vessels in the eye, increasing the risk of developing vision problems.

Weak immunity:
High blood sugar weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of infection.

Prevention and control methods:
Healthy nutrition:
You must adopt a healthy, balanced diet that contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Practicing physical activity:
It is recommended to exercise regularly, as physical activity enhances sugar consumption and improves insulin sensitivity.

Weight control:
You must maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity, as a healthy weight contributes to improving the body’s response to insulin.

Periodic inspection:
It is important to perform regular checks to measure blood sugar levels, and this is even more important for people with risk factors such as obesity and genetics.

Avoid stress:
Stress and lack of sleep affect blood sugar levels, so you should avoid stress-inducing factors and ensure you get enough rest.

Ultimately, individuals must understand the importance of monitoring blood sugar levels and adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent high blood sugar levels. Through proper nutrition, exercise, and regular check-ups, individuals can maintain good health and reduce the risk of developing health problems resulting from high blood sugar.


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